Tuesday 21 April 2009


Tips for Twits: there was NO era of the Middle Ages in which women wore dresses with contrasting front panels and lacings from bust to waist.  Stuff like this is not period.  It is Goth.

Unfortunately, you won't find much else on Dornbluth.de.  Some of the gowns are pretty, but they look like they were made for a Within Temptation music video.  

Like this thing.  I like it and I'd wear it in an instant, but the pattern's totally fantastical.  So's the attached hood.  And the sweetheart neckline.  And the PAISLEY, which they're awfully fond of and use in several colour schemes that are a lot less attractive.  For example, greige.

There's one dress that looked, in the thumbnail, as if they were trying for the basic lines of a Burgundian gown.  So I click the link, and what do I find?  Funky-textured synthetic LEOPARD PRINT:

Omgnobadwrong.  Which is exactly the same as my reaction to this thing...

Um, how is this Renaissance?  People tailored their bodices back then instead of slapping on a single piece of fabric with lacings to make it fit.  Contrasting skirt panels are not period and the colour choice here is particularly icksome.  Slashed sleeves need a chemise to show through under them, and these are just about the sloppiest I have ever seen.  And speaking of sloppy, take a look at this...

I don't know what period they're going for and I've given up trying to guess.  Looks like really bad Medieval from the waist up and really bad Tudor from the waist down, and the pattern's not constructed correctly for either.  And if you're going to trim the sides of a split-fronted skirt, can't you handle said trim with some finesse instead of just having it suddenly stop?  The treatment at the top of that red panel looks incredibly clumsy.

As for the guys?  I hope you like mud coloured tunics.

Speaking of which, the colour choices of this place could use some work in general.  They've got a lot of black and burgundy, appealing to the goth crowd, but most of the other tones look terribly dull.  A cursory glance at Medieval art is enough to prove how much they liked jewel tones back then, so why choose dusty blue and grey-green?  With relatively cheap bright dyes available, nobody would have dressed in shit like this.

1 comment:

  1. Respected friend:
    There is a time and place where skirt panels of two contrasting colors occurred in period; Darmstadt, Germany. They _still_ make their dirndls with vertical patterns. Then there's that statue from 1500s Italy, with alternating panels of two different brocades....
